Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 4:56:02 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's pride of Pyroar were one of his... well, prides of Mauville Gym. There was little more awe-inspiring he had at his fingertips than not just one, but an entire pride, of burning, saddleback lions so well-trained that even Rangers who had never ridden a Pokémon before could easily control them. With his upgraded SYGNA SUIT, now bearing elements of a male Pyroar's mane around his face, he may have been difficult for to recognize.

The odd one out of Josh's six Pokémon was a Manectric the dragon lover would have recognized, but there was something different about him since they had last seen each other. Was his fur darker than it had been?

The strange look would have been the least of her worries, and Josh's, as a Space-Time Distortion rapidly formed around the two. The moment the violet dome completely encased them, their vision faded to white for what seemed like minutes. Once their sight returned, the duo beheld a completely different landscape. Mauville's skyline to their west seemingly reached into the stratosphere. Even Slateport's skyscrapers were visible from dozens of miles away. It was as though the world around them was as grand as could be.

Josh tensed up as not one, but two Raikou galloped past them with great speed, trainers on their backs and directing them like one would an ordinary Pokémon. The electric-types did not so much as bat the Sygna Suited trainers an eye, running toward the distant Lilycove City as though the Gym Leaders weren't even there. Their presence reminded Josh of the Sacred Ash Raikou he rode upon semi-regularly with , or the Tornadus in 's possession.

As they roared past, Josh's tension changed to curiosity. "Strange. Andrea, have you ever been close to a legendary Pokémon? Close enough to feel their oppressive Infinity Energy radiating from them?"

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 312}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 13:58:43 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea was soaring through the skies on Chomper’s back, when she noticed a pack of Pyroar with saddles on their backs. There was only one trainer she knew that put saddles on their Pokémon, and he was currently riding his signature Manectric.

“Hey, Josh! Long time no see!” The Mauville Gym leader would be treated to the bizarre and ludicrous sight of a Hydreigon riding another Hydreigon. That’s right, Andrea was wearing her Sygna Suit too!

Pleasantries were cut short by another of the distortions that plagued the region. The two friends found themselves in an entirely different Hoenn than the one they knew--one where legendary Pokémon were apparently so common, even regular trainers owned them.

“That’s more than strange! Those were TWO Raikou! Legendary Pokémon can’t breed!” The dragon-costumed girl remarked. She then contemplated Josh’s question. “Hmmm, I wouldn’t call it oppressive. It’s hard to describe, but Lord Rayquaza’s energy felt warm and friendly.”

The overabundance of legendaries wasn’t the only thing different. The humans of this world had built huge, majestic cities as monuments of their shining prosperity, yet the routes between them seemed almost barren. Land development had leveled much of Hoenn’s natural flora. Notably, ’s forest of cute critters was nowhere to be seen. For one species to prosper, another had to pay the price.

“I wonder where all the wild Pokémon went… Do you think they’re scared?” Andrea asked, while pensively looking at the fields of mowed grass and sickly trees grasping for a shred of sunlight under the imposing shadow of an expanded Cycling Road.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 3:53:25 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Despite being in the presence of multiple Pokémon that would be considered gods in Hoenn, their PRESSURE simply was not as intense as that of the real thing. That of Kyle's Entei was so intense that he could barely stand when he was in the Battle Arcade. If he wanted to be a Champion, he would have to overcome that pressure. "Could you feel the differences in Infinity Energy between Rayquaza and those two? It was... nowhere close to as overwhelming as what I felt when I rode Rayquaza. Or when I battled Entei at Kyle's Battle Arcade. There's something different about those two Raikou. It feels weird saying that phrase. But that's what it is."

Saber galloped to the top of a nearby hill, using MAGNET RISE to gain a little more altitude and let Josh see a greater distance. He wished he had brought a flying Pokémon with him. Even a silhouette of the distant Lilycove City's skyline was visible. Every town and city in Hoenn 820 seemed to correspond to a megalopolis thriving to such a degree that it choked itself on its own growth. The land simply could not support the population growth nor the expansive wildlife that Hoenn 820 could. Only the strong survived; perhaps that was why they saw only Pokémon that were considered legendary in their own Hoenn?

"What I wouldn't give to stay here, though. Could you imagine it? Being able to fly on Rayquaza whenever you wanted?" he tried to relate in words the dragon maniac would understand.

What was more concerning was the lack of life in general. The presence of so many legendary Pokémon, even if they were only shards of the gods, made it difficult for other life to thrive. A bright light caught Josh's attention as a Pokémon battle was taking place a good distance from them: an ORIGIN PULSE crashed into the wings of a floating Latias, the psychic-type unable to fully deflect its Kyogre foe's strongest attack with its MIST BALL. The colliding signature moves radiated a shockwave so intense that Josh was blown off his Manectric steed.

"...I think they're the least of our worries. My Sygna suit stopped working all of a sudden," the Gym Leader said, his Manectric surrounded in purple wisps. Growling aggressively, the electric-type looked ready to interrupt the distant battle by ramming the oceanic Pokémon down!

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 403}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 13:51:39 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The dragon fanatic pouted when Josh mentioned having ridden on Rayquaza. Did he really have to keep rubbing it in? That aside, she still didn’t grasp what he was talking about. To her, a Pokémon was a Pokémon regardless if it was a legendary, a pseudo-legendary, or a common rodent found in Route 101.

“I dunno… It would get kinda boring after a while if every Pokémon looked the same.” Andrea remarked as she followed the Manectric rider near a field where a Kyogre and a Latias battled. An incredibly unfair matchup considering Kyogre was an absolute unit, but the Eon Pokémon was holding its own rather well.

Suddenly, Josh’s Manectric started acting up, a shadowy aura surrounding it. The Mauville Gym leader mentioned there being something wrong with his Sygna Suit, which only confused the Hydreigon cosplayer. “That’s weird. My suit works just fine, I think. Maybe Saber can’t sync with you because he’s angry?” She theorized.

The synchronization between a trainer and their partner was a big part of what made Sync Stones work, after all. Not to mention, that wasn’t normal behavior for a Pokémon. It looked ready to pounce on anything that moved.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 6:15:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"You do have a point," Josh mused. "Given how few Pokémon there are that we consider gods in our own world, there would be a lot less variety," he nodded, keeping a careful eye on Saber as the Shadow Pokémon bounded toward the Hoennian sea behemoth. The Gym Leader grabbed Aslan's Poké Ball and mounted up, his suit's Sync Stone humming. The two glowed with a faint red aura, Infinity Energy flowing between them as though nothing were wrong with his suit.

The bond between Josh and Saber really had been badly damaged, hadn't it?

The Latias, overwhelmed by an ICE BEAM from the Kyogre, disappeared into mist and soared away, refracting the light of the dystopian environment around herself to render herself invisible. A black electric blast shocked the Kyogre, a SHADOW BOLT piercing the water-type's natural defenses and leaving a black mark on the finned giant. It had other cruel weapons at its disposal, slamming into the ground with a vicious EARTHQUAKE that brought the Electric-type to its knees. The shockwave was far away enough that Aslan could simply leap over it.

"Saber!" Josh cried. "Double time, Aslan! Faster, faster, faster!!" With an urgent, almost panicked expression on his face, the Master of Faster jabbed at the lion's sides repeatedly. His faithful feline steed bravely galloped at full speed toward the Manectric that remained standing by sheer force of will.

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 234}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 10:00:59 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The battle between the two legendaries was getting heated, and Saber was caught right in the middle of it. Riding on lionback, Josh rushed to save his favorite Manectric, leaving his allies behind. “Josh, wait! Chomper, we need to help them!” Andrea resolutely said.

Inspired by his trainer’s BRAVERY, Chomper roared into the heavens, summoning a STRENGTHENED Draco Meteor that headed towards the Sea Basin Pokémon. Whether it would be enough to slay a titan remained to be seen.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 6:03:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Kyogre roared and the Shadow Manectric barked as Josh's Shiny lion sprinted. "Help Saber out! TAKE DOWN, Aslan!" The feline monarch threw his body into the air, on a collision course with the titan of Hoenn's seas. His Sync Stone glowing brightly, the Gym Leader drew on Rani's powers, goading the water-type with demeaning words. "Nobody messes with Saber on my watch - especially not some lonely whale," he TAUNTED the foe.

Water spraying out of the Pokémon's spout, the behemoth opened its jaws wide, spraying them both with an ORIGIN PULSE that left Josh shivering and his steed on the brink of unconsciousness. He shakily withdrew Saber and Aslan for Rani, another Pyroar that was a little smaller than Aslan, but could put on some real speed. Quick-switching to a fresh feline, the two turned tail and ran from the Kyogre, catching back up to with little trouble. While the aquatic legendary was powerful, it also was not very fast: their salvation.

"I think we lost it," Josh breathed a deep sigh of relief. Turning back toward the devastation the clashing legendaries wreaked, it was little wonder how lifeless and dystopian this Hoenn was.

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 197}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       KO
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 10:25:54 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The group managed to narrowly escape Kyogre's wrath, but not before Josh hurled some choice words at the blue cetacean. If that scuffle had proven anything, it was that even mass produced legendaries could be dangerous. Andrea knew that deep down her friend wished he could snatch a spare Raikou and take it back home, but that would be too risky.

"Maybe we should get back there and apologize to those trainers for interrupting their battle." The dragon-costumed girl suggested. "Besides, we haven't talked to any of the locals since coming here. They probably know more about this world than we do."

Although, if the people here were anything like Josh's evil twin, it was doubtful that they would be friendly enough to chit-chat with.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 18:32:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Andrea was right. Josh did want to bring back one of the Raikou for himself. The Poké Balls he had on hand never would have been able to capture a Pokémon so rare and powerful, making that impossible. If they were anything like Hoennian gods, forcibly catching one was on its own a bad idea. Introducing a potential Infinity Energy imbalance was an even greater risk; if what he had learned in cyberspace last year was true, Hoenn 820 could tear itself apart from such an imbalance. Bringing even a shard Raikou back to that Hoenn would be a selfish, unjustifiable reason for doing so.

"We could always try,"
Josh shrugged. "It could be worth learning more about this place." Or it would have been worth speaking to the two trainers if they weren't already gone. "If that's the route you want to go, might be worth checking out Mauville. If it's even called Mauville here."

If Andrea agreed to the idea, Josh would ride Rani toward the towering city's east gate, his jaw dropping wider to see the scale of the skyscrapers rising above the dimensional version of the tri-level city he was used to. With very little vegetation in the area, the entire landscape reminding him of what he saw in Terminal Six in cyberspace, how did such a population feed themselves?

As they rode toward the city, a local on the back of a shard Xerneas approached them and asked, "I've never seen Pokémon like those before! Where did you get them?" Josh was too paralyzed with fear to respond. Was this a Hoenn where only shard legendary Pokémon existed?

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 276}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       KO
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 15:46:41 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
That was a weird-looking Stantler, and yet the Prime Hoennites were more shocked by species that were considered commonplace in Hoenn-820. Maybe less so for Hydreigon, but it was definitely the case for Manectric.

The situation required finesse. If they were upfront about their origins, the locals could think they were crazy, or worse, see them as interdimensional invaders. Unfortunately, subtlety was not Andrea’s middle name.

“Don’t you have Pokémon like these in your world? Oh, by the way, we came from a different universe through a spacetime rift. I’m Andrea and this is my friend Josh. Nice to meet you!” The young cosplayer nonchalantly gave away who they were and where they had come from.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 1:48:17 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Xerneas' trainer was taken aback by Chomper's presence, too. All the Pokémon the two aliens had, common in other worlds, seemed to simply not exist in this one. As she listened to Andrea's story, her jaw dropped. "Great to meet you both, Andrea and Josh! So you're both Avatars? If you got here through a rift and survived, you have to be Avatars, too." She wasn't entirely wrong, either; Josh's Sygna Suit made him almost a Manectric Avatar. Almost.

The person on top of the Xerneas was someone the Gym Leader remembered from his own world. That face was the spitting image of one of his Gym Trainers.


Lost in thought, Josh pondered what her reaction would be to learning that in an alternate Hoenn where everyone reached their full potential, she would befriend Xerneas. It was a legendary Pokémon Josh knew of, but did not know much about. "That's a really nice name! The Gym Leader in town is also named Josh! You two should meet up!" Hoenn-820's Josh did not respond verbally; all he could do was quiver in his heightened nerves.

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 189}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       KO
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 16:23:25 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Surprise surprise, when one lived in a world where legendaries and mythicals were as common as Zigzagoon or Wingull, concepts such as parallel worlds and dimension hopping were easier to stomach.

Andrea held back a giggle at the woman’s confused inquiry. “We’re not really avatars. Pokémon like the ones you have are much, much, much rarer in our world. But we do have Sygna Suits, which make us sync with our Pokémon kinda like avatars do.” She explained, while gesturing at her immaculate drip. “We also have Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Terastallization, and Illumina Pokémon.”

Darn, those were a lot of mechanics. Maybe they were the privileged children of the multiverse after all.

Meeting Prime Josh again sounded like a big nope. They had to come up with an excuse and fast. “W-we don’t have much time, actually. We could get whisked back into our dimension any minute now… At least that’s how it usually works.” The young woman claimed.

All that talk of multiple Joshes made her think: If this Hoenn was a distorted reflection of their own, then somewhere in this world there must have been a Prime Andrea. What kind of person were they like? Had they fulfilled their dream? Maybe they would meet them one day, maybe not…

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 20:15:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh similarly answered the Xerneas and trainer. "I wish. The Pokémon that you have are ones we could only dream of having. Like... Raikou. I want one so bad. But..." He knew the consequences from his trip to cyberspace so long ago. Had it already been almost a year and a half since he and his Manectric were nearly deleted? He shook his head. As much as it pained him, he could not bring a Raikou back to Hoenn-820 without risking the dimensional fabric of every Hoenn tearing itself apart.

"But what's stopping you?" the Jackie look-alike asked the Gym Leader. "That's all the more reason for you to see Josh! There's no one that can teach you about raising a Raikou better than he could!" She turned toward Andrea. "We can, too! All except Illumina Pokémon - what are those?" That question may have gone unanswered as a large shadow passed over the two of them in the blink of an eye.

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 164}
{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       KO
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 9:21:28 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea could feel Josh’s inner turmoil as he spoke of Raikou. Being offered a free ride courtesy of was not enough; he wanted to be bonded to the Johtonian beast for life. Some dreams were so impossible that one would not settle for anything less. She knew that better than anyone.

The other girl insisted that they went to see Josh’s evil clone. Before the two Hoennites could come up with a better excuse, a massive shadow flew overhead, blotting out the sun. “What was that?” Andrea pondered aloud, while Chomper turned his three heads towards the sky.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Burden of Power [M][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 6:14:10 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Her dream of becoming a Pokémon and Josh's dream of being bonded to Raikou were equally impossible. Even if Raikou were to choose him like he always wanted, what then? What would drive him to give his all in everything he did? Would he seek power beyond Raikou? If there were a land Pokémon that eclipsed Raikou in speed, would he cast the Beast aside for it? Would the power corrupt him? There were so many unanswered questions. Questions that were a moot point. Andrea had her Sygna Suit, and Josh had Raikiri. The Zeraora was as close as he was going to get to his dream, and her Sygna Suit to hers.

The girl's Xerneas reared as the shadow became larger. "Ahh! It's Andrea! Run!" The horned fairy-type fled eastward toward Lake Pyre as the silhouette grew larger. Looking to the sky, Josh could not believe what he witnessed: a giant serpent descending through the dystopian skies in a DRAGON DANCE, every pass over the sun casting a dark shadow over the Hoennians. As it got closer, the distinct horns on its hear were ones the Gym Leader recognized from his dealings with the Peacemaker.

This was a Pokémon that could not be outran. If whoever was directing that black-scaled dragon was hostile toward them, they could be in real trouble...

World: Prime Hoenn - an alternate universe where its denizens are their real world selves but at their full potential. While Avatar-granting legendaries are almost as rare as in Hoenn proper, shard legendaries are significantly less rare in this world.

{WC: 225}
{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Aslan         Pyroar**       KO
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Rani          Pyroar         Good
Saber         S-Manectric    Poor
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